




A vizualization of my learning growth

ReactJS Portfolio

This is a portfolio site that I created using ReactJS. To create this site I followed a tutorial given by Bottega. While making this project I learned so much about how React apps work and the amazing component architecture it brings. I also learned a lot about authentication and giving an admin user special roles on a website. (This site may take a moment to load)

Go to ReactJS portfolio

Piece by Piece Tile Website

This was a fun project where I got to build a website for a tiling company called Piece By Piece Tile Inc. One of the most challenging features of this project was when I was creating the functionality to send an email to the owner through the contact us form. I ran into many errors about security after deploying the server to heroku. In the end I found a safe and secure way through mailguns api.

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Ruby On Rails Portfolio

During the summer of 2017 I went through a course that taught me about Ruby on Rails and this website was what we built to learn it. Here you can find all my information all in a different design and style, just like my first and second websites.

Go to ruby portfolio

Todo App

This was probably one of my all time favorite apps to build! Here I got to learn all about AngularJS and Angular 2 (Which are pretty much my favorite). With this application you no longer need to fear about forgetting what needs to be done, instead you will have an organized way of keeping track of your tasks.

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Flappy All The Days

Flappy all the days was a super challenging project to build out. The idea was to build a game similar to the hit mobile game Flappy bird. Using the HTML5 canvas element and help from people who knew how to use the HTML5 canvas element I made it happen. Hope you enjoy it and try to beat my high score! Its 101!

Go to flappy all the days

Golf Scorecard

Here I was introduced to the idea of AJAX requests using JQuery. With this project you can get a golf scorecard from any golf course that is within a 30 mile radius of your position (just make sure you allow the browser to view your location). I learned a ton about dynamically populating data based on user input and how to make a popup.

Go to golf scorecard

My Second Website

After learning a few things about HTML, CSS, and JavaScript I decided to make a whole new static website. This was a great learning experience cause I learned so much about making websites mobile friendly and also how to make parallax images. I then later updated my resume page to have a fun interactiveness to it. When you click the button to go to this site it may take a moment to load since it is hosted on heroku. Thanks!

Go to my second website


This is my very first game I built. I learned a lot here on how you can connect JavaScript with HTML and CSS using JQuery. Once I started building this game I had so much fun building it out, I realized that if you want to programmatically build something you have to understand everything there is to know about it. So now I am way good at minesweeper!

Go to minesweeper

My First Website

Here is the first project and website I ever built. This was a great project and taught me a lot of foundational things about web development. Here I learned a lot about Git as I pushed my work up to Github daily and I learned a ton about HTML and CSS and how different elements are inline, others are block, and positioning things how you want can be tricky.

Go to my first website